Wildlife Management
Wildlife management and habitat use is often a top priority for agencies, industry, and the public. Habitat Management is experienced with study design, data collection, and analysis for a variety of; projects, species, and geographical areas. We are an effective liaison between our clients and federal and state wildlife agencies and utilize the latest techniques and technologies in our studies.
Our Wildlife Biologists have worked with coal mines, natural gas pipelines, utility companies, highway construction, wind power plants, and gravel mines to preform:
- Biological Assessments and Evaluations
- Sage Grouse Surveys and Habitat Conservation Plans
- Raptor and Breeding Bird Surveys
- Predator Control Studies
- Big Game Management Plans
- Fisheries Surveys and Habitat Improvement
- Endangered Species Act (ESA) Compliance
- USFWS Section 7 Consultations and Habitat Conservation Plans
- Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys